A yoga practice is an exploration in relationship with the basis of having a relationship with the teacher, a relationship with the practice tradition, and a relationship with the Self. Deepening and strengthening these relationships is where the real work lies.
It is not uncommon to feel emotional during or after practice. Practice with care towards yourself and others. Acknowledge that your body and mind will feel different every day. Speak with your teachers regarding any feelings or new sensations in the body. We are here to help shine some light on any emotional or physical difficulty that you may encounter.
It’s important to find our own dimension, in yoga and in life, while respecting other’s opinions and versions. Yoga is an opportunity to know ourselves better and develop common grounds within our relationships.
Question the teachings received and self study. Build upon your own experience and wisdom.
Refrain from eating 2 hours prior to practice. Refrain from drinking 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after practice. Let the prana marinate.
Personal hygiene is an integral part of practicing yoga. Shower before class and make sure your mat and mat rugs are clean.
The Yamas and Niyamas are the foundation of this practice. Do your best, always.
Do not practice the first 3 days or during the heavy parts of your menstrual cycle. Ashtanga Yoga is a practice of pulling the energy up through the Mula and Uddiyana bandhas. Menstruation is the process of sending the energy downwards. Honor it and take this opportunity to rest.
Do not practice if you have a fever. If you have an injury, please practice in a healing manner. Speak with us so we can help you modify what you may need to. Ashtanga is a breathing practice. If you have your breath, you can practice. Show up in any way you may need to.
Honor the full and new moon days. We are energy and these traditions encourage us to align ourselves with the energy around us. Take rest from practice.